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On this page you will find albums from independent musicians that I have discovered either via Periscope, through recommendations from friends online or from people that I have actually met in person whilst they were busking in Copenhagen.


You can listen to a 30 second sample of all of the songs in each album by clicking on the album covers below.


If you want to learn more about each artist or hear more of their music, simply click on the social media links at the bottom of their playlist.



Please show some support to these hard working musicians by at least following them on social media and letting your friends know about them or, even better, by buying some of their music or merchandise online.


It really means a lot to them!

Joshua Garrison.JPG
Empty Circle Cover Pic.jpg
October Sky Album Cover
Rae Hering.jpg
Aubryn Nothin' Civil
Spoken Life Reality Cover.jpg
Rainbow Girls
Harmonies In Color Album Cover.jpg
09 - Anthony Parsons.jpg

If you're an independent artist and would like to have your own page on this web site, or a music fan and know of an unsigned artist or band who may be interested in being added, please get in touch with me at and put 'Music' in the subject line.


I'm not after freebies and I always buy the help support the musicians.



Bye for now,




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